We are excited to announce that the next edition of the program will be Hydrogen Specific!

The Hydrogen Innovation Accelerator provides companies with the innovation mindset and capacity to increase growth potential.


In partnership with Edmonton Global, The Hydrogen Innovation Accelerator will train teams on a repeatable and scalable innovation process to capture new value and revenue streams from the emerging Hydrogen economy in Western Canada. Each company will develop and test a new product and/or service concept by the end of our 4-day 4-step program, held over a 90 day window.


innovation teams will:

  • Appraise their growth gap & set an intent to innovate to close the gap

  • Build and implement a strategy for innovation

  • Identify the problem they are solving

  • Discover, prioritize and validate innovative opportunities

  • Test a differentiated proposition in the marketplace

The delivery

  • 4 x 1 day innovation strategy workshops

  • 4 x Innovation Team coaching sessions 

  • Access to mentors who have “been there and done it” 

  • Student innovation strategy and execution support



Kick-Off: TBC

Module 1: TBC

Module 2: TBC

Module 3: TBC

Module 4: TBC

Our Funders

We are excited to be funded in part by Edmonton Global and Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan)


Insights from Program participants

“The program exceeded our expectations. We developed and launched a new business concept that immediately generated $510,000 in sales and $5M in commitment of manufacturing capacity for the next year. The program gave us the confidence to invest in the talent and processes required to unlock significant growth.”

Jeff Neufeld, CEO, Trimet Building Product


Jeff Neufeld, CEO, on his experience with The Innovation Accelerator.


Mark Lea-Wilson, Director of Innovation, Plainsman Manufacturing


Insights from the Program Team


Ray De Paul and Simon Raby Ph.D. share their insights as core members of the program team.


contact us

Learn more about the potential impacts of The Innovation Accelerator on your organization.
